


Armed Bikers Plan to Draw Cartoons of Mohammed Outside a Mosque in Arizona

In the wake of two Muslim gunmen from Arizona being shot dead at a Garland, Texas, “art exhibit” featuring cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, hundreds of armed bikers are scheduled to rally at the Arizona Mosque where the now-deceased Muslim gunmen once attended.

According to Foreign Policy and a Facebook RSVP page for the armed Arizona biker rally, it could be a volatile event, including a “much anticipated attack,” which is perhaps why the Arizona biker attendees are encouraged to be armed.

The primary organizer of the event, Jon Ritzheimer, is calling the armed biker event the Freedom of Speech Rally Round II, to take place Friday evening at 6:15 in front of the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, Arizona.

The invite notes that the armed Arizona biker rally is intended to be a peaceful event, while at the same time having the armed biker attendees exercising their First and Second Amendment rights.

“ROUND 2!!!!!!! This will be a PEACEFUL protest in front of the Islamic Community Center in Phoenix AZ. This is in response to the recent attack in Texas where 2 armed terrorist, with ties to ISIS, attempted Jihad. Everyone is encouraged to bring American Flags and any message that you would like to send to the known acquaintances of the 2 gunmen. This Islamic Community Center is a known place that the 2 terrorist frequented. People are also encouraged to utilize there (sic) second amendment right at this event just in case our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack.

1. Date will be Friday May 29th @ 6:15pm. This is when they normally host a large prayer.

2. Bikers wil meet at the Denny’s located at 9030 N Black Canyon Hwy Phoenix, AZ 85051@ 5:00pm. Kick Stands up at 6pm.

3. There will be a Muhammad Cartoon Contest and the winner will be announced at the After Party. Participants must show cartoon at the Rally.

4. We will not have food vendors at this event because we don’t want this to turn into a carnival. People can bring snacks and water but please keep the neighborhood clean.

5. There will be an after party starting at 8:30pm at Wild Bills located at 6840 N. 27th Ave Phx, AZ.

Thank you all for your Support.”
Phoenix police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are aware of the scheduled rally in front of the Phoenix mosque. The armed biker event will also include a “Prophet Muhammad cartoon drawing contest,” according to KMOV 4, similar to the one in Texas that attracted the Arizona Muslim gunmen.

“Unfortunately, we have to hold the cartoon contest, as silly as it sounds, to be able to show the true colors of Islam,” said the armed biker rally organizer, Jon Ritzheimer.

The armed biker rally is scheduled in front of the Phoenix mosque at the same time as the Mosque’s worship service.

“These are the measures that we have to take to expose the true colors of this religion,” said Ritzheimer, a former Marine, who also makes known his feelings about Islam with a “F**k Islam” T-shirt.

While Ritzheimer says he appreciates that officials from the Phoenix mosque condemned the actions of the two Arizona gunmen that went to Texas, that’s not enough, and thus the armed biker rally.

“Here in America we have the freedom of speech and it’s under attack from Islam,” he said.

The number of armed bikers attending the Arizona armed biker rally is expected to be in the hundreds.









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